The pace of life in Sunny Valley is extremely slow.
The Villagers move about a few hour days per day as in slow motion taking care of their daily works.
The pace is so slow that the nature around them seems to be on super speed producing plenty of food for everyone.

Growing Portions of Berries and Growing Hats
Powerful sun ripens fruits and vegetables that are grown into ready portions.

This lifestykle consumes so little energy that the villagers need to eat only a handful of plants each day.

Growing Furnitures
To make a furniture the maker begins by planting tree seeds in a desired spot.
When the sprouts grow they are gently bent and their growth guided towards a desired shape.
In a year or two (it’s no big difference; one year is just a blink of an eye in the slow paced life of the Villagers) a suitable furniture has formed.
Growing Furnitures
Growing baskets

and Hibernating
The villagers spend most of their time sleeping.
During the winter months the Villagers hibernate.
This slow life seems to be the reason the Villagers reach an average well over 100 years.