The Planters work in the fields.
They constantly plant flowers.

They first dig out a handful of soil and shape like a vase.
Then they place a sprouting flower seed inside the vase.
And then, almost instantly, they plant the vase with the seed back to earth.

Notes from Planters Plains
The vases are really beautiful, shaped in the skilful hands of the Planters.
And then they are re-planted right away. It seems only Mother Earth can enjoy the sight of these beautiful vases.
Planter Vase & Planter Home
The Planters live in cott
ages that are also made of soil.
The cottages resemble in every way the flower vases the Planters shape in the fields, only larger in scale.

Planter's Home
Everything the Planters use is made of soil.
The tools, utensils and furnitures are all shaped in soil which hardens when it dries.
But when items made of soil are returned to ground the earth softens them right away to become one with the earth.
Planter Master
The Planters rub the surface of the dried items and can polish them really hard and smooth, so that they even hold water.
The tool used for this polishing work is a piece of soil that has been hardening for generations.
The piece is handed down by each generation and is the most precious item the Planter owns.

The Planter's Life
When a Planter dies, the cottage with its habitant and all its belongings is buried and returned back to earth. .