The Carpenter Tree lives in a symbiotic relationship with a community of carpenters.
The tree benefits from the cultivation by the carpenters who then get shelter and material provided by the tree.
Notes from Carpenter Village
When Carpenter Tree grows big enough it drops branches from the lower part of its trunk.
The carpenters make furnitures of these branches.
The branches are all of a standard size and perfectly dried for the carpenters’ immediate use.
Pollinating Carpenters
As carpenters always do, they first sand their furniture parts.
This process pollinates the Carpenter Tree.
The sanding releases the pollen grains and exposes the stigmas where the pollen can fly to fertilize new seeds.
Sanding further exposes seeds pollinated last season which now can slowly fall off the to the ground and sprout new trees.
Sanding even further exposes the resin which works as adhesive when assembling the branches into furnitures.
Carpenter Furniture Making |
Carpenter Chairs |

Growing a Carpenter Home
Spring, Summer, Autmn, Winter
The Carpenters place the finished furnitures (a bed, two chairs and a table) in a rectangular shaped lot in the ground that marks his/her future home.
The furnitures serve as growth supports for the new tree sprouts that will grow to form the walls of the new carpenter home.
In one season, the walls stand tall enough and the foliage forms a protective roof against the winter elements.
This is the Carpenter Tree’s survival strategy.
Much like an Oak tree which relies on absent-minded squirrels not remembering where they hid the oak nuts,
so does the Carpenter Tree rely on the carpenters in its conquering of land for the Carpenter Forest.

When the time comes for the carpenter to die, the Tree closes up its wall to form a single trunk.
The deceased is sealed permanently in his/her home and so becomes one with the Tree.
The Carpenter Tree becomes a living memorial, where future carpenter generations pay visit to their ancestors.

Old Carpenter Trees
The Carpenter Tree keeps growing.
As it previously merged single tree trunks into one entity, these entities now merge with their neighbours to form ever greater and greater trees.
The old giant forest stands a thousand meters tall and is tens of thousands of years old.
The roots interconnect and grow a ne twork ten thousand meters deep.

Carpenter Tree Forest |
Carpenter Forest Roots |
On our way back from the Carpenter Village we pass other villages where the trees are planted in a circular forms.
The Circular Carpenter Home on the right is approximately 5 years old.
Carpenter Homes
5 years old |
Carpenter Village
50 years old |
Carpenter Village Tree
500 years old |
Carpenter Forest
1000 years old |