The Villagers of Animal Farm live in a symbiotic relationship with the Animals.
The Animals and Villagers have separate lives and live separately but benefit from each other.
They have a big Autumn market where the Animals come to exchange the loose hairs
they’ve gathered for the food produce the Villagers have grown.
The Villagers survive the winter with the warmth of the hair the Animals produced.
The Animals survive the winter with the nutrition from food the Villagers produced.
Animal Hair Flight Machine & Animal Hair Fabric Maker
The Villagers make clothes from the Animal hair mixed with Animal droppings.
The droppings functions as a sticky paste that holds the loose hairs together.
The Villagers heat the droppings and spin fine strings that when mixed with hair creates a fine but durable fabric.
Hair Flight Machine Separates hair types from fine to coarse using air vortex.
The fine hair floats upwards while the coarse hair sinks to bottom. A set of drawers collect the different types of hair.
Droppings are shoved down the funnel in the center where it heats up by the friction of rotating the lever.
Heated manure liquefies and shoots out of the perforated central tube.
The craftsman adds hairs in to the outer mesh. Hair merges with manure and becomes a fine and durable fabric.

A more crude but instant way to make cloth to one self is to apply a mixture of hair
and dropping paste straight onto ones own torso and just wait until it dries.
The mixture stays flexible and resembles felted wool.
All Villagers wear accessories that bring improvements from the Animal world.
There are for example detachable tails that serve as seats and help in balancing during work tasks.

Hearing Aid & Hair Brow
out of Animal Hair
Villagers use various animal hair to build wearables that mimic animal senses.
These shapes inspired by the Forest Animals are to improve the senses the villagers are short of.
There are hearing aids made of long animal hair. Face masks form for winter.
Hair brows for sun shade. All borrowing from the Animal world.

Hair Mask & Hair Nest
Different Animals have different ways in how they trade with the Villagers.
Weaver Birds work as hairdressers.The Villagers have amazing hairdos.
Weaver Birds practise various hair styles throughout the year and in the spring they make their most spectacular creations.
These voluminous structures serve as nests where the Weaver Bird then lays her eggs.
The Villagers make for perfect nest hostesses.
Body temperature incubates the eggs and the villager provides good protection for the eggs and chicks.
And the Villagers get beautiful hairdos. And they all walk so stylishly. And in excellent posture.
It’s like a non-stop runway show.
Hair Hat Machine & Tactile Hair
Long hairs connected to nostrils serve as sensory aid helping in reading air currents and guide in dark.
They seem to be regarded also highly fashionable.