COMPANY / Aamu Song & Johan Olin
An Uneducated Expedition to Find Lost Sea Monsters
(Ending with the Rise of New Sea Monsters)
Sea Monsters is a study and an adventure where we have been searching for old sea monsters, and accidentally found a lot of new, very scary monsters. We’ve been collecting specimens and documenting our findings since our fellowship at MJF House in Lofoten, Norway 2022. This research project was carried out using a ballpoint pen, a glue gun and left-over cardboard sheets
COMPANY / Aamu Song & Johan Olin
07.04.– 28.05.2023 MUJI Small Gallery
Urho Kekkosen katu 1, 4 fl. 00100 Helsinki, Finland
A recreation of a sea monsters titled’ Blue Boy Big’. Materials collected from the beaches of Lofoten, Norway 2022.
View to the entrance of exhibition.
On left. Pages from the report with the whole store of searching – and finding – of sea monsters. We hope to publish the book in near future.
All art works were drawn with a ballpoint pen.
Johan and Aamu and Sea Monsters.
Adventures with a glue gun. Johan recreating Sea Monsters at Lallukka, Helsinki 2023.
Random excavations in Kvalnes, Lofoten, Norway 2022.
Collecting of specimens in the deep waters of Ballstad, Lofoten. Early Spring 2022. The deeper we dived the larger the scales we found.
The New Sea Monsters
Blue Boy I
The constellation of the found scales show how this ship swallowing monster used to look like.
Drawings: Johan Olin.
Bue Geen Algae (aka Cyano Bacteria) blossoms violenty. Huge rafts of bacteria float over everything
Massive Green Beard algae clusters grow twitching and turning, reaching thousands of metres in a matter of days.
In the warming seas the Green Algae Monster grows greater and greater, swallowing up everything.
The attack of Marine life sends massive ripples across the oceans.
The Seas show signs of rage and anger.
The Angry Sea has now had it with humans. It rises in towering forms over land to wash away everything.
The Era of Blue Plannet Begins.
Drawings: Johan Olin
Sea Monster -book.
We made a small edition for exhibition, talk and workshop in Axis Gallery, Tokyo.
‘Ocean Blindness’ International Conference on Design for Ocean Environments, 29.9.-9.10.2023 Axis Gallery, Tokyo
Sea Monsters at ‘Ocean Blindness’ exhibition at Axis Gallery, Tokyo 29.9.-9.10.2023
Organized by 3710Lab. Speakers/exhibitors included: Naoto Fukasawa, Jin Kuramoto, we +, dot architects, contact Gonzo, Sae Honda, COMPANY (Aamu Song & Johan Olin), Tom Dixon, Nao Tsuda, Mitsuyuki Unno.
We had a wonderful time with all workshops and talks. Thank you all who joined our Sea Monster workshop!