A set of seven wild flowers and a base
Material: Linden, paint, lacquer
Manufactured in Semenov, Russia
Design: Aamu Song / COMPANY 2016

Summer Flowers is an homage of the folk tale where placing seven different wild flowers under one's pillow will show the future husband.
Drawign by Aamu Song.

A few years ago Aamu Song and Johan Olin set on a journey to explore Russian manufacturing secrets .The travels, which took us from Moscow to Urals, into Siberia and to the Caucasus, resulted in collaboration with tens of traditional manufacturers. After each factory visit – and after we learned each of the traditional manufacturing skills – we designed new products based on these traditions.

Arriving to the Semenov factory, Russia.

Turning linden wood. Each matryoshka is unique since only tools used are the experienced eyes of the wood work masters.

After wood turning, the dolls take a bath in potato starch and are stored for drying before the paint work.