A bus with passengers
Material: Tin, anillin paints, magnets
Manufactured in Hochimilco, Oaxaca, Mexico
Design: Johan Olin / COMPANY 2018
Size: 160 x 65 x 65 mm
In Good Company in Oaxaca.
In an old book in an old bookstore in Oaxaca we find an article about Hojalata masters Alfonso Santiago Leyva and Victor Hernandez, famous masters who brought hojalata making to Oaxaca. We learn that a hojateria with the same name is still active in northern Oaxaca. One late evening we find Alfonso’s son Tomas Ricardo working at his workshop with his wife, sister and two assistants. Tomas Ricardo is really skilfull in especially three dimensional items like boxes, toys, figurines and ferris wheels. Inspired by these we design a set of small houses, a bus with passengers and an ice-cream kiosk.
Don Tomas's sister Violeta paints using traditional anilin colours.
Autobus con Pasajeros.
Drawing by Johan Olin.