1-6.10 .2005.
COMPANY is at Frankfurt building up exhibition.
COMPANY is invited to participate the exhibition ’Parallel life’ held at Frankfurter Kuntverein.

Exhibition is open from
5th of october to
4th december 2005.

More info www.fkv.de

1.10 .2005.
Arriving to museum straight after FÄSÄRI III fashion show back in Helsinki.

Our exhibition space is on top floor of the museum. Size of the room is nearly 100 m2. Panic. How do we fill the space.

Thanks to Frein we can go next morning to pick up carpet for the room and start sewing our floor.

We make some island kind of shape to narrow up the space a bit.

Lot of sewing for each product.
Portable Homes.

AamuLand book.

Ground Furniture.


Spatial Dress /
Mekko Alatalo.

Takkiainen /
Jacket for lonely people
(in front).
Everything ready for the opening.

Opening seremony.

Many happy visitors.
Thank you so much:
Kim Sung Won, Vanessa, Katja, Frein, Min.