A collection with finest traditional factories in Belgium.
All designs: COMPANY (Aamu Song & Johan Olin)
COMPANY presented a range of new products that were born in Belgium during research trips resulting in coperation with local manufacturers. The results of the project were shown in a touring frietkot exhibition and in Diito Gallery, Brussels in exhibition ’Finland Attitude’ during Design September in 2010.
The project was realized with the help of Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux.
Belgium Hat
A two-side hat that can be worn both ways
Design: COMPANY Aamu Song & Johan Olin
Manufactured by Derbysport in Nazareth, Belgium
Material: 100 % Wool
Belgium Hat
A two-side hat that can be worn both ways
Design: COMPANY Aamu Song & Johan Olin
Manufactured by Derbysport in Nazareth, Belgium
Material: 100 % Wool
Belgium Cap
A two-side cap that can be worn both ways
Design: COMPANY Aamu Song & Johan Olin
Manufactured by Derbysport in Nazareth, Belgium
Material: 100 % Linen
Mother & Daugter Bag (Prototype)
A bag that can be divided into two bags
Design: COMPANY Aamu Song & Johan Olin
Made by Ruitertassen in Belgium and in Tunisia
Material: Leather (Belgian)
Father & Son Bag (Prototype)
A bag that can be divided into two bags
Design: COMPANY Aamu Song & Johan Olin
Made by Ruitertassen in Belgium and in Tunisia
Material: Leather (Belgian)
Baby Elephant Bag (Prototype)
A bag for children
Design: COMPANY Aamu Song & Johan Olin
Made by Ruitertassen in Belgium and in Tunisia
Material: Leather
17.09-02.10. COMPANY shop in Diito Gallery, Brussels.
The Belgium Hats.
Aamu & Johan. Photo: Emmanuel Crooÿ
The Belgium Hats.
How the Belgium Hats are made in Nazareth, Belgium.
Company Shop ’Salakauppa’.
17.09-02.10. Company in Diito Gallery in ’Finland Attitude’ exhibition.
17.09. Opening night at Diito Gallery, Merci/Dank u/Kiitos: Atte, Cedric, Philippe!
17.09. Shop keeping on the opening night.
Photo: Emmanuel Crooÿ
New hat owners Harri & Aamu.
COMPANY Salakauppa/Frietkot tour in Brussels 10.–12.2010:
10th of September at 16:00–23:00, Micro Marche, 9 Quai á la Houille, Brussels
11th of September at 07:00–13:30, Place Flagey, Brussels
12th of September at 08:00–16:00, Brussels Design Market
17th of September: Opening at Diito gallery, 62, rue de l'Aurore
Photo: Emmanuel Crooÿ
12th of September at 08:00–16:00, Brussels Design Market. Photo: Emmanuel Crooÿ
12.09. Secret Frietkot Shop at Brussels Design Market
12.09. Early morning at Brussels Design Market
11.09. Secret
Frietkot Shop at Place Flagey.
11.09. Place Flagey.
11.09. View from frietkot to Place Flagey market.
11.09. A new morning and 7AM at Place Flagey.
10.09. Frietkot at Micro Marche, Brussels.
10.09. Secret
Frietkot Shop open.
10.09. Inside the frietkot.
10.09. Manouvering the frietkot at Micro Marche.
Johan & Francis with first prototypes of ›Belgium Hats’ at Derby Sport factory in Nazareth, Belgium. Spring 2010.
Hat pattern making at Derby Sport factory.
Christian & Aamu studying linen at Libeco factory. Spring 2010.
Aamu with Frank & Stefaan at Ruitertassen factory. Wakken, Belgium, summer 2009.